Yael Fuxbrumer
Graphic Designer
Contact: fuxyael@gmail.com
Website: www.fuxyael.wixsite.com/mysite-3
Education: Visual Communication & Design, Avni institute, Tel Aviv
Danalogue 2018
The project presents the disregard and denial of our society towards daily adversities faced by weak populations in the Israeli society. These are groups that live under difficult conditions and the struggles to help them usually end in “deception” of the reality, by positioning a false display as a solution while below the surface - the problems are not solved and the responsibility passes between hands. The State of Israel, in accordance with the generation of the instagram, presents a fictional picture full of pink filters beneath it, quite ugly.
# There are about 202,600 Holocaust survivors in Israel, about a quarter of whom live in poverty. Their rights and the criteria for receiving them depend on many bureaucratic organizations in Israel and around the world. About 66% of the survivors suffer from mental distress and coping difficulties.
# About 12,000 people in Israel are engaged in prostitution, most of them women. 76% of them expressed their desire to leave the profession but are still there because of economic distress. Their average death rate is about 46 years. About half the life span of a woman in Israel.
# There are about 36,630 asylum seekers in Israel who come from dictatorial and violent countries. The percentage of recognition of refugees in Israel is less than 1% .In January 2018 the Government programmed to expel asylum seekers forcibly to a third country and imprisoning objectors indefinitely in prison “Saharonim”.