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Noa Maccabi



Education: Photography, Hadassa, Jerusalem

Danalogue 2015

Lives and creates in Jerusalem.In high school my literature teacher told me about her father.

He traveled from country to country, from language to language, until he got to Israel.

He never fully absorb any language. She told this in pain: in no language, he doesn't have the precise words. He's like a child, trapped in vocabulary. Language can connect but also exclude.

The options of expression and thought that a language could open but also shut, are not always enough.The language is limiting. When our emotional spectrum is wide, the language shrivels in its shadow. Sometimes I want to say: I'm extremely disappointed, I only want to melt in to the sheets and wrap myself in soothing comfort. But there is not one word that can describe this feeling, the language does not contain this range of emotion. And there is similes, which bridge between the voids of the language can not fill.

Similes that surround us are an unified language, that is presided but also flexible. The signs we know can speak with no words. Like my literature teacher's father, that could of looked at a photo and understand the emotion without knowing the word

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