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Mariza Dos Santos



Danalogue 2013

Memeber at UNAP ( Union of Plastic Artists of Angola )

Author of book cover write Rui Manuel, intiltulada Semba SPELLING OF NEW. 

Participation in programs of TPA ( Angola Public Television ) on theme Arts (texture). 

Participation in ZIMBO TV programs, both social and art. 

Participation 6yr this part in joint exhibitions in Celamar always GALLERY MARCH WOMAN

Participated Pavilion expo Shanghai representative on the day of REP the Angola African Women.

Foundation art & culture, invited participation in the Project BE BE ANGOLA PALANCA. 


A bit of me Proud to be Angolan militant Angolan Women Organisation ( WCO ) and member of MPLA party

Born and raised in the city and aging Luanda , capital of the Republic of Angola ,

I love everything related to art, with crafts . great passions dance ( BALLET ) and painting.

Have the greatest respect and adoration for trees other constant element in his paintings .

Trees because I feel like a tree with roots for they are the only living elements that never flee there love their country and have never abandoned even in the most difficult moments in political and social terms .

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