Haneen Wattad
Visual Arts
Contact: h.wattad.5@hotmail.com
Education: Visual Arts, Midrasha, Beit Berl
Danalogue 2019
Artwork: Dedication of heart
Life death, joy anger, love hate, feeling that the world is between hands, to understand the feeling of death! A palm-sized organ can embrace all emotions. An organ dispels the blood and lets it stay alive, breathing, can at one moment become paralyzed.
Word, behavior, attention, smile, hug and death... can break orresurrect your heart.
In our lives we have to dedicate our hearts and guard them, not allow the environment to break it, we live for ourselves to live happily. It is our right to be happy that our hearts will be like a butterfly.
We must dedicate our hearts to our mothers who have been in it fornine months as a way to come into the world and survive. Don’t letsomeone break the heart that took time to heal.
I believe that living through our emotions sometimes requires equality between the heart and the mind to keep us alive.