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Dafna Talmon

Artist & photographer



Education: Midrasha, Beit Berl

Danalogue 2018

Artwork: The gift project

After over three years of wandering without a home, in search of freedom, I felt that had to formulate a new mechanism that would allow me to be free so I returned home. But this desire had led me to thoughts about the burden of things that defined me and my life. These things are moved from one apartment to another, from house to house. Now, after many years in which I had no use for them, I realized I no longer need them. With this understanding, I started a sisyphean documenting task and afterwards, I held a “trial” in which I decided which of my things I won’t keep. 

My criticism of consumption as a way of life spurred me to offer release. Release from a life of possession and shopping. I decided it is time to say goodbye from all of my things. My life and my art are intertwined, so giving up my things was also an artistic act. I created an installation of objects that became gifts, and visitors were each invited to take one. Once an object is wrapped in the same way and color, it loses its original identity and we see it as a gift, perhaps an exciting one. 


Now I offer a release. My work invites people to go through the process with me, in conversation, photography and documentation. At the end of a meeting I will leave with the box of things they said goodbye to. Now I will wrap them - this is a journey and a circulation of gifts. Finally, an installation-performance of all the objects will be built. They will be offered as gifts in an enigmatic evening, where one’s junk is an unknown present for another. An evening of giving, and ecological release. 

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